
Universalist, Euphoniumist

"I guess I'm just attracted to talent"
-Gretchen Snedeker (d. 2008)

Sunday, March 19, 2006

The First Question

When do you floss? I imagine a great number of people floss in the morning; it's what we've been told. However, seeing how I have great difficulty accepting anything at face value (I originally didn't believe my brother's claims of Waldo's enemy, Odlaw; or the existence of Avenue Q), I have decided to find out why we aren't allowed to floss before we go to bed.

Here is my preliminary logic:
Most of us sleep for 6-8 hours (some 3, some 12); if we floss in the morning, we are removing junk (eww) that has schemed and covertly attacked our teeth while we lie dormant. We never new!

However, if we floss before we go to bed, said junk is removed, and our teeth can rest easily knowing the dark forces of plaque are kept at bay.

In honor of today's post: I have linked to the dentalgentlecare page of Flossing. Although they don't specify a specific time, they remind us to have a routine. Just be sure your flossing won't turn into a mindless exercise, day in and day out, with a lost sense of purpose and soul. Take care of your teeth, and your spirit won't gnaw at you.

Have a nice night.


At 12:24 AM, Blogger Cody said...

I brush at night (in the event you didn't read my post)

At 9:37 AM, Blogger OhMyTrill said...

did you just leave a comment on your on blog not in reference to anybody else?

At 9:43 AM, Blogger Cody said...

It was a question; I have a right to answer it.

At 12:56 PM, Blogger Connor said...

I don't floss every day. I figure if I try to and I forget once, then the whole thing will go to Hell. I do stretches two or three times a week, and makes sure I floss on those days. Hence, almost always in the morning. (I also find that I tend to procrastinate more on things I leave until the evening.)


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