
Universalist, Euphoniumist

"I guess I'm just attracted to talent"
-Gretchen Snedeker (d. 2008)

Monday, January 08, 2007

LotW Returned (!!)

Once again I've found my time is nearing up. I'm at a cafe again, for the simple reason I couldn't be bothered to trek the mile to school (especially given the rain and lack of purpose). Perhaps if my 10 (now 9) minutes get used up before I finish, I'll just dawdle for another 1/2 hour, because the cost will be the same (£1.60).

When preparing for the return of the LotW, I realized all the sites I had been considering, I really hadn't perused. Which is upsetting when you choose them as carefully as I do (not that I'm bragging or anything). Besides being important thematically for myself (why would I promote sites otherwise?), I always appreciate a crisp, well-organized look with few broken links. Also, the more information cleanly and consicely printed the better.

This has led me to Cocolico. Oddly consumerist, yet pushing an eco-friendly agenda, this site fit the criteria the most, beating out two others which will probably make the list in subsequent weeks. The site is essentially a collection of products and design that sell themselves as green, although with some I am hesitant to throw the label on (such as the knives that, when dulled, can be sent back to Japan to be sharpened. suppose self-sharpening is out of the question). There are some DIY's, and if you are into some heavy searching, you are able to find more info than you could have previously imagined (such as the plans for the table-doubling-as-a-compost-bin).

In any event, check it out, decide if it will become a "regular", then - as I'm sure you ALL do - wait in eager anticipation for the next LotW.

//End of post//



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