
Universalist, Euphoniumist

"I guess I'm just attracted to talent"
-Gretchen Snedeker (d. 2008)

Sunday, March 18, 2007

OK, so I lied (Sunday 18 March)

As my posts will be more expressions of British Culture and Scenery (I have a friend from Greece currently visiting, so I may have to show her and her boyfriend around Manchester), I thought it would be a good idea to try and move both forwards and backwards in my posts. Backwards because I tend to not include everything in my life, even some cool important events (as of yet, I still need to include posts on Berlin, Rome, Brighton, "A Place of My Own" by Michael Pollan, and so forth). Forwards, so I don't have to go really far backwards later on.

The events of the weekend are a good place to start. Yesterday Catherine and I ventured out to Liverpool. As it was St. Paddy's Day, we did see a lot of green, and even a small parade (the large spectacle was today, and certainly for the next couple days). Liverpool has a large Irish population, so SPD is a pretty big deal there; Manchester has a large(r?) Irish population, and they have 2 WEEKS of celebrations! I haven't seen any of the parades or Irish markets yet, but I think I still have plenty of time.

We only had a chance to visit the Tate museum there. We ended up spending about 4 hours over two floors (there are two more, but they are currently closed for changes). While not featuring the Art of Today, as Undercofler may appreciate, it did highlight wonderful pieces over the past 100 years (broken up into pre-WWII and post-WWII), and a whole floor dedicated to Liverpool's contribution to culture in the 1960's. Plus there was a bit on LS Lowry. The evening was concluded with a visit to Catherine's Auntie, whom I had not yet met. We had a nice time, enjoyed tea and chocolate cake, as well as discussions of so-called "pop" music (as a general misnomer for anything not classical), and rugby.

Anything else for the weekend? Well, today is Mother's Day. I was informed By Catherine's mum that it is still closely tied to Easter (originally "Mother and Son" Day), which dictates when it falls. I have to admit that I am unaware of why America is so late in the game (if anyone wants to look this up, I would be quite happy). The traditions of Cards, Chocolates, maybe even a breakfast-in-bed still hold true here.

Enjoy any fine weather you may be having, as it hailed quite a bit today (after a nice sunny interlude - possibly longer?). Well see if the sun puts it's hat on anytime soon.


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