
Universalist, Euphoniumist

"I guess I'm just attracted to talent"
-Gretchen Snedeker (d. 2008)

Monday, March 26, 2007

Uprooting the Past 1: Texas Band

This is a post that should have gone out before; I have given myself time to reflect and contemplate the deeper meanings of such events, as part of a plan to enlighten myself to a deep, transcendental, experience. I hope you aren't believing any of this.

Case in Point 1: A college band from Texas (Trinity Uni) came over on a small tour of England. They spent time in London, and came up to have a rehearsal at RNCM, a quick sight-seeing in Liverpool, and closing with a joint rehearsal/performance with the NCCB. I was lucky enough to provide a tour of the school (a feat not easily triumphed: the school was built over a period from the late 60's-present. I wrote about this before, but it doesn't lend itself easily to awe)

Anyway, the tour went well, the joint performance was fine, ending with a two-band rendition of Berlioz's "Symphonie Funebre". I was sat between two euphoniumists, one who was in high, the other a Trinity Alum. The alum and I spoke for a little while, mainly about where he had grown up, and then onto the next question:

"So, have you lived here all your life?"

I paused for quite awhile as I 1) reheard the question in my head, 2 )Recounted my accent, and anything that may have led him to think I was from England, and 3) Found the right words to explain that indeed I hadn't lived in Warrington all my life, in fact I was from the same country as he (although that may be stretching it a bit)

"I'm from Michigan"

Eventually it was found out I was in school, working on my Master's, etc., etc. The other euphoniumist (the high school er) had been on my tour, and I imagine wishes to pursue euphonium or composition ("imagine" is a bit loose, because I point-blank asked him). Maybe I'll see him in several years (especially if Steve is still teaching here)


At 12:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just love this story. I can assure you, Cody, (and anyone else who might be reading this) that the Flushing accent in NO WAY resembles that of a Warringtonian. You did not fool me for a second...I picked you out as Cana....I mean, American, the second I heard you!!!

At 10:05 AM, Blogger OhMyTrill said...

Texas Band....hmmmm

At 12:51 PM, Blogger Connor said...

Oh! It never occurred to me that we could use our accents as a supplication for Canadian citizenship. You know Michigan would be the most populous province (beating out Ontario by about 2 million, I think).


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