
Universalist, Euphoniumist

"I guess I'm just attracted to talent"
-Gretchen Snedeker (d. 2008)

Friday, February 02, 2007

Groundhog's Day

They don't celebrate it here :-(

But on the way to school, Sarah pointed out some plants poking out of the ground, saying "Are those plants or trash?" Thereby giving a good indication of the weather here.

In related news, the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) revealed a new report saying humans are indeed the cause of climate change (well, technically they give it a 90% probability), and greenhouse gases must be curbed by 2020 and reduced by 2050 to avert apocalyptic results. Furthermore, the BBC hypothesized (with Greenpeace) that the document was rather CONSERVATIVE in its findings, because it had to be approved by 130 countries. Luckily (as the currant quote states), James Kunstler doesn't think this will be a problem, as most of the evidence we're receiving indicate we peaked oil production last year.

In any event, Happy Ground hog's Day. This is probably one of the few times you can wish for six more weeks of winter.



At 8:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Puxatawny Phil DIDN'T see his shadow today -- so we're due for an early spring! Yippee!! They mentioned it on tv; it has to be true! Anonymom~~


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