
Universalist, Euphoniumist

"I guess I'm just attracted to talent"
-Gretchen Snedeker (d. 2008)

Saturday, August 19, 2006

You know this Post

I had the awful choice of what to write about first: my VISA experience, or SNAKES ON A PLANE!!! So you can guess which one will be tonight's topic.

I recall watching "The High and the Mighty" (w/ John Wayne!) during this past school year, and having a keen understanding about why airplane horror didn't last. Although we have a preternatural fear of being stuck in horrific situations (such as being in a plane when it experiences engine trouble and a passenger shoots a gun; or being on a plane full of poisonous snakes), the seeming inaction we may experience is translated well onto film. "Translated well" meaning, the cast and crew have little to do, and little devices to work with. Thus the "Plane Horror" genre is really an intellectual critique of crisis management: when you can't do anything, what do you do?

Of course, this analysis allows the inevitable conclusion that Plane Horror wouldn't fare as well on film as it may, say, in the theatre. Everyone that's seen "Snakes on a Plane", I call on you to answer: wouldn't you like to see this translated for the stage? Wouldn't it be perfect?

In any event, I must confess that I have a fetish for painfully bad movies. PAINFULLY BAD. And, although "Snakes on a Plane" didn't make the top of that list (much to the credit of the visual effects - screenwriting and music could easily go toe-to-toe with "Monkey Shines"), it certainly satisfied all expectations for the Bad Film Junkie. I'm still scratching my head how the Flint Journal could give it 2 stars.

In closing I want to reiterate the review from the top, delivered to me from someone who was exciting the theatre before my entrance: Every Generation has their movie. To add to this, I'll say every generation has their plane horror movie. The previous generation got "Apollo 13" (it does fit the genre), we got "Snakes on a Plane"

//End of Post//


At 12:15 PM, Blogger Connor said...

"I'm still scratching my head how the Flint Journal could give it 2 stars."

Because the Flint Journal always has a wack sense of the films they review.


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